How To Stay Motivated And Accomplish Anything -
When you have seen any
motivational video or movies after watching it, you must have felt very motivated and also take a decision to do a lot of hard work and achieve a lot in my life as soon as possible but as next day comes, your entire
motivation must have gone somewhere and again you have come to your old lifestyle. This is one of the biggest problem faced by many people.
Stay Motivated |
So, I will share some of principle which helps you for your self-motivation.
1. Limited Offer
Limited Offer |
Example, in any game such as: Cricket, Football, etc a specific time limit has been provided to all the players and asked them to play and make a soccer in that limit time and after particular time and game will be over. So, player try to give their best performance in that time so that they score well and can win that match. If they haven't given a time limit and they were asked to play as much as they can and not inform about overs and about the time limit then what do you think that player play with same energy, enthusiasm, power and intensity? No obviously not because if they feel that they have lot of time and they can play whenever they want then this reason their motivation and focus will start decreasing. Same thing happens with us, most people live their life as if it will never going to end. And they feel that they have a lot of time and they can do work later and keep on delaying their important works. But we have limited time and we have forgotten that and we are wasting our time by listening to peoples and not feel good but do understand the reality and accept it. Otherwise one day you will realize that you don't have time and you can't do anything to fulfill your dream.
2. Eyes on Prize
Eyes on Prize |
If I keep a long thick wooden stick on the ground and ask you to walk on that stick than you will easily walk on that stick and cross it. But if I keep that same wooden stick between two buildings at 20th floor and then ask you to cross that stick then you will be afraid of doing that and there is a lot of chances that you even fall from that wooden stick. Why? Because focus is everything. When that wooden stick was on the ground at that time your focus was on that particular stick and cross that stick but when that same wooden stick with same physics was kept between two buildings then your focus shifts from that stick to the fear of falling down and this shifting of focus becomes the actual reason for your falling down. Similarly, reason for your lack of
motivation is instead of keeping your focus on an achievement and success which you will get by doing a hard work, you shift it to problems, worries and failure and to negative things which eventually decrease your motivation and make us fall before crossing or completing our goals. So that try to keep you focus on practice rewards and success which will get by doing hard work and avoid failure and negative things.
3. Stay Hungry
Stay Hungry |
In 1976 when Arnold was trying for Hollywood by leaving his body building career at that time author got chance to take his interview. At that time Arnold was not much famous and hardly person knows about him. Even author was not much interested in Taking Arnold's interview however it was his job so he has taken Arnold's interview in an interview author ask a question like what's your future plan after leaving body building career? And what you want to do next? For this Arnold replied him very calmly and patiently while having his food that now i will become a huge star of Hollywood. Listening to this author felt like laughing because at that time there wasn't any star or actor who was having such a huge body. So author hiding his smile and asked him how you will do it? And again Arnold replied very calmly, same way I fulfilled my body building dream. By making vision and thinking about it what you want to achieve take action accordingly for it and by believing that I have already achieved my goals.
4. Sweat in Peace
Sweat in Peace |
Sweat more in Normal or Peace time otherwise you have to bleed more in the time of battle and what's the connection of this saying with motivation you'll come to know very soon. Steve and Rett had learned this saying when thy were kid when they used to practice baseball league. Players to whom they played are elder then them and they used to throw ball very fast. They can't seen the ball and unable to play it and they used to lose quickly which decrease their motivation for championship. So, to deal with this situation, they went their home and took their father's golf ball which are small compared to base balls and started practicing with golf ball standing very near to each other. Due to regular practice, when competition started playing with baseball become really easy for them and they used to find it easy. And they used smoothly and they wins the match. Here this story says, if we prepare ourselves for difficulties situation first then handling normal situation will becoming really easy for us and also motivated. Because the reason of lack of motivation is the fear which is there within us which does't allow us to move ahead in life.
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