If your exam is coming near and you don't make any preparation for your examination this is a best article for you.
Exam |
Everyone want to get good mask in their exam. If you read this article and applied it in yourself then you can find yourself improving. If you try it before 1 month from your exam or 20 days, then you will get better mask in your exam easily. Many toppers are used this formula. Many research said that no one is intelligent, they become intelligent by focusing in their field.
There are some tips which is very useful for you:
1. 30:50 Principle
30:50 Principle |
Research said that if we read below 30 minute then we make our brain capacity under use. 30 minute is not enough to store in memory but if you study 50 minute than it helps to gain more information. And if you read more than 50 minute then your brain cannot store more information. To follow this rule you need to follow time table. For example make difference between easy and hard subjects. And in 1 slot read hard subject and break and use easy subject. In 30-50 principle you need to give 30-50 minute for hard subject, 5-10 for rest and 30-50 for easy subject. Make sure that while using 5-10 break you should use mobile, etc.
2. Study as per subject
Study as per subject |
One mistake many people do is that they study all subject like same. Remember that your teacher teach all subject. No, they tech their own subject. So that, If you become teacher of your self and teach yourself with your own style which helps to memories fast. For example " If you study physic then you have to read physic only, if you study chemistry then you need to focus in chemical reaction only. It helps to memorize fast.
3. Write down
Write down |
Research said that "What we read only 10% information are retain but if we write it by reading and writing then you retain 70% of information. Nowadays I hear that note make is time pass but it is not true. Note making is not time consuming it is time saving. While writing note you get more focused in that thing.
4. Net practice
Net practice |
It is not that you don't need to study and play cricket it means that you need to give most test and solve that question which helps in every very much. The main benefit of mock test is that youy can found more strategy. And also have benefit to solve question in your ways. While doing mock test you can choose lowest mask question first which gives confidence to you to do highest mask question. You write your score and post it and try to get more score which helps to get good mask in exam.
5. Point to Point
Point to Point |
In exam while solving your question paper you try to write your answer in point which make your answer beautiful and attractive. The benefit of it is while writing paragraph it take lot of time. But writing in point its say more with less word and looks handwriting goods. While writing you try to draw margin which improves your answer sheet presentation.
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