Ways to Attract People - Otta.com

                   Ways to Attract People - Otta.com

This topic is very important for those who are try to start their business or employer. Peoples are attracted by talking, Style and face. In this topic I will tells how you can impress other just by talking in 90 seconds. I said 90 seconds because research shows that nowadays your span attention becoming less. For example, Magazine ads have only 2 seconds to grab your attention and if you like that ad in those 2 sec then only you will give your time to that ad. But if you don't find it attractive, you dimply turn the page and move on.
Ways to Attract People
Attract people
Similarly, people easily form their opinions about us just after few seconds of the conversation with them. Hence, it become necessary for us, to form a goof impression at start only and to capture their attention at the same time, this can be really useful for your personal and professional life. Most of the people fail to understand, what they must talk when they meet someone for the first time and many time people don't even like them and doesn't even feel like talking to them again because of their first bad impression.

If you don't want, such thing happening to you or if you want to learn forming a strong connection with people and want to impress people by talking then I will share some rules which helps in attract peoples.

To meet any person and to start communicating with them between these two important step of meeting and communicating 90 seconds window appears in those 90 seconds you can create Rapport and can impress the opposite person also connect emotional level connection. Lets explain it.

A. Meeting


If you give your right impression within 3 or 4 seconds of meeting someone then this will make you look trustworthy, sincere and safe which is really important to create a RAPPORT. Now i will give you some tips which helps to create right impression.

1. Be Open

It mean to have an open attitude and body language, not closed. Example, If you are talking to someone by folding your hand or standing/sitting by taking less space then these example are closed by body language. Whereas, if you keep your hand open, and keep a space between your legs and take space while siting or standing then these are some example of open language. Hence always try to form open body language which meeting some one. By doing this you will impress peoples.

2. Eye Contact

Keeping eye contact will show how much confident and attractive you are. Whereas, maintaining less eye contact shows that you are nervous or you are lying or uninterested which is not good at all for most of the time. One more thing, its not like, you should't look anywhere. It means you should maintain eye contact, as per the situation is.

3. Beam 

Beam means a genuine smile. After doing an eye contact, what you must do is you must give a smile to the person, before him/her doing this which helps to reflect your positive attitude and do remember you must give a genuine and friendly smile not creepy or writs smile.

4. Greeting

After smiling, you must start a conversation by greeting them, with good tone and with full of energy. By saying Hi, Hello anything through which you want to start your conversation. And remember that you introduce yourself, the more nicely opposite person will also introduce themselves. It is a nice time to know more about the opposite person.

5. Lean

While talking to someone slightly lean forward. Not much but little, this will show to the opposite person that you are interested in them and in their talking and also comfortable and open eith them. Try not to do this much while meeting the opposite gender otherwise you can look needy and desperate, which doesn't look good.

B. Rapport


Among all three part, this is the most important part because here you can form mental and emotional level connection with people which helps to starting liking you at some different level. You all must be aware that we humans are emotional creatures who mostly take decision through heart not through brain. And rapport will helps us to create emotional connection by understanding other feelings and emotions. So now i will share some tips.

1. Attitude

Sometimes while talking to your close friend or family you realize that they are sad or angry. You asked them " What happens is everything OK". At that moment, they gives fake smile and says that everything is OK, i am fine. To which you don't deliver and later you come to know that yes you were thinking right above his/her emotion. Well because of some reason we come to know that they are lying but have you though what is the reason through which we come to know that something is wrong. So the answer is because of their attitude. Because our attitude directly impacts our mind and your mind is fully connected to our body.

2. Art of Synchronization

Suppose you like soccer then your bonding will be more with those people who have some interest like you. If you like watch PUBG then you will love to spend time with PUBG fans. You must have notice that people with common interest easily get up with each other and become comfortable to each other easily and form connection. Hence, if we synchronize with other or if we do anything like them then this thing really help us to form Rapport.
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